Monday, November 29, 2010

Let it snow!

Winter is my favorite season dont you just want it to snow already?


 I mean have you ever thought about it .what is love? is it really out there? I am not trying to make this sound like some song or some book it is just a thought that came to my head i believe sometimes we think or we believe that we love someone but what is it that is making you love that person ?I mean you are  told who is your mom and your dad and so you grow up to love them because you grow up around them right or wrong? Is that the reason why we say we love our parents? ha! I mean i believe love is out there but why did the word have to be love? it is so weird maybe i am just some crazy girl thinking and thinking it over but like i said it is just a thought that came up to my head and blogger' s  if your reading this  perhaps tell me what you think ? maybe it is all just the way you see other around you act you see someone with a person and you think well maybe i should be with someone my self who knows you know like it can be in your own nature 
but then again it sound like such a beautiful word it sounds so nice but why is it that a lot of people out there sometimes say they can not find it  or that they hate it or that is blind so many things eh i dont know  .Love is just Love i think. well ummm talk to you guys later (;

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day Number One and I think I am crazy to be doing this.

Today it is the first day that i start my blog I have been wanting to do this and honestly the only reason i have been wanting to do this is because of a movie lol. WOW! Julia & Julie i think thats how you write it.i hope.
So I have been wanting to write this since the day it happened i guess. ummm I met Lupe Fiasco haha someone i have been wanting to meet and to me it was so exciting it happened November 23rd 2010 at the Phili store in Hyde park .I mean i know alot of people do not care about this but maybe someone out there does!It was so exciting that i had to write about it hahah i got a hug and a picture i mean it is exciting right?
one hting i have to admit i learned something new that day is your patient good things come out of it.i just thought i was not going to make it and i wanted to quit because i got lost and Lupe was going to be there at 5 and I was on the green line train ao late i believe around 6:45 almost 7  UGH! do you know how fustrating that it is ! but it was all worth it at the end i got to meet who i wanted and it was like a dream that came true haha i sound crazy but hey wouldnt you be excited if it was your favorite artist or person you've always wanted to meet?
well anyways ummm bye i guess hope to write soon again.this seems fun!